Visiting the Holy Sepulchre today

Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, “Church of the Resurrection”

Restoration work, which began in March 2022 is currently being carried out in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre for the conservation and the restoration of the floor.

This work, the result of the historic agreement between the three Christian communities (Orthodox, Catholic and Armenian) which look after the “church of the resurrection”, is the continuation of the restoration of the Edicule of the Tomb of Christ. The restoration and the study are being conducted by the Custody of the Holy Land in collaboration with “La Sapienza” University of Rome, “La Venaria Reale” Centre for Conservation and Restoration, the Politecnico of Milan, the Padua-based company of Manens and IG  Ingegneria Geotecnica of Turin.

Archaeologists, technicians and specialists are carrying on the operations without hindering the daily activities that take place in the Basilica, such as the celebrations of the three Christian communities, the free movement of the religious who live there and access to pilgrims for the visit and participation in the liturgies and processions.

In spite of the work, the Basilica can still be visited.

Below you can download the times of entry for visits and of the celebrations

Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre opening hours
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