Poor Clares


The presence of the Poor Sisters of Clare in the Holy Land today started in 1884 when a group of French sisters arrived in Palestine and settled first in Nazareth and then in Jerusalem as well. 
The vocation of St. Clare – and therefore of the Order she founded – is identified with the vocation of this very land: not to do something, but to be the memory of the life of Christ. 
The Poor Clares lead contemplative lives: the invisible heart of monastic life is simply to cherish a Presence, attentively listening to the Word of God, that still and always becomes flesh within the events of history.
The relationship with the Custody of the Holy Land is special; a fraternal relationship where they are united in the same charisma and the same love for the humanity of Christ. 
The Poor Clares are present in Jerusalem, Nazareth, Beirut, and Alexandria.

Sr. Mariachiara Bosco

Monastero di Santa Chiara
Hanock Albeck, 3
9100901 Jerusalem

Tel. +972 02 6717534
+972 02 6710500 (guests)
Fax: +972 02 6725043

E-mail: clarisse.gerusalemme@gmail.com

Website: https://monasteroclarissejerusalem.wordpress.com/

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