Doar agora

Sisters of the Rosary

The Congregation of the Rosary was founded in 1880 in Jerusalem, in the Latin oriental Church, by a young Palestinian of Jerusalem, Mother Maria Alfonsina Danil Ghattas with the help of the Patriarchate.

The Marian spirituality of the Sisters of the Rosary is characterized by fidelity in prayer, fraternal cooperation, evangelical simplicity, constant sacrifice and service in the territory to the local communities without any discrimination.

In particular, the mission of the congregation is centred on apostolic works in the educational and social field, but also on medical assistance. 
In Syria, the Sisters of the Rosary offer their service to the Franciscan parish of Ghassanieh - Jisr el-Choughour. The other activities of support for the Custody include the crèche and medical assistance at the Franciscan clinic.


Casa generalizia a Beit Hanina
P.O.B. 21370 
91213 Jerusalem
Tel. +972 (02) 2343483
Fax. +972 (02) 5859948 

Servizio per i francescani presso:
Couvent Saint Antoine de Padoue
Paroisse Latine
P.O.B. 9 - Ghassanieh
Jisr el-Choughour

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