Doar agora

Missionary Sisters of the Catechism

The charisma of the Missionary Sisters of the Catechism is contained and shines in a single word: "I am the Bread of Life" (John 6,34). The Missionary Sisters, therefore, explain the gospel truths and the doctrine of the Teachings of the Church, through articulated forms of presence and apostolate and the implementation of those initiatives, means, and methods suggested by the signs of the times and the needs of the Church.

The Missionary Sisters of the Catechism carry out their apostolate through different forms of presence and service. They are present in the Holy Land and support their Franciscan brothers in daily life. 
The Sisters of the Catechism support the activities of the Custody in Capharnaum, with service at the Franciscan monastery and in the sanctuary, with the house of prayer; in Nazareth, with service at the Franciscan hostel and with the house of prayer; in Ein Kerem, with the service at the Franciscan Monastery and the Casa Nova, and with the house of prayer; in Emmaus, in the Franciscan monastery, at the nursery school and with the house of prayer; lastly in Jerusalem, at the Casa Nova, supervising the cleaning personnel and with the house of prayer.


Sr. Leonarda Tagam

Ein Karem
Convento di S. Giovanni Battista
P.O.B. 1704
91170 Ein Karem

Tel. 02 6323029; Fax. 02 6433451

Sr. Paula Cruz
P.O.B. 186
91100 Jerusalem
Tel. 02 2473613; Fax. 02 2473614

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