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Canção Nova

The Canção Nova community was founded in Brazil on 2nd February 1978 by Father Jonas Abib, a Salesian, who accepted the challenge of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical, Evangeli Nuntiandi, to evangelize the baptized. Canção Nova is an international private association of faithful, officially recognized as such by the Pontifical Council for the Laity in 2008. 
The community has the charisma to form new men and women for a new world and its mission is evangelization through the media.
In the Holy Land, the members of this association perform their service at the Christian Media Center, working both as journalists and technicians.


Cristiano Assunção

11, Saint Francis Rd.
P.O.B. 31032
91001 Jerusalem, Israel

Tel. +972 (02) 627 79 33
Fax. +972 (02) 627 7941


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