New Dispositions Covid-19


To all the Guardians and Superiors,
    The Lord give you His peace.

In order to abide by the new dispositions of the Government of Israel dated 14 March 2020, I ask you to apply the following provisions:

-    The Sanctuaries will remain open in a regular way, with the possibility of evaluating in each case whether or not to reduce the opening times.

-     No more than 10 persons can enter the Sanctuaries at any given time.

-    All celebrations booked in the Sanctuaries are to be suspended until further notice. Only the brothers of the community can celebrate in the Sanctuaries.

-    With regards to the peregrinationes, the participants to the celebrations should not be more than a maximum of 10, in such a way that the ones who take part include the presiding priest and those who serve the celebration.

It would also be prudent that the same dispositions be observed also in the Sanctuaries of Palestine.

I ask once again to intensify our fasting and prayer so that this pandemic can end as soon as possible.


Fr. Francesco Patton OFM
Custos of the Holy Land

Fr. Marco Carrara OFM
Secretary of the Holy Land

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