Comunità Koinonia Giovanni Battista


Koinonia John the Baptist is an evangelizing community at the service of the New Evangelization which was established as a private association of faithful, belonging to the Catholic Church and canonically approved, with several thousand members including families, consecrated men and women and priests. Nine members of the community live in the Holy Land. Four of them live in Jerusalem, where they have relations with the Hebrew-speaking Catholic community. The members of this community perform secretarial services at the Franciscan Biblical Institute (Convent of the Flagellation) and the Christian Information Centre (CIC).

The other five members live in Tiberias, where they work in pastoral and parish activities at the Sanctuary of St. Peter and run the Casa Nova.


Responsabile: P. Giuseppe De Nardi
Monastery of St. Peter the Apostle
P.O.B. 179 – Terra Sancta
1410101 Tiberias
Tel. +972 (0)4 6720516;
Tel. +972 (0)50 9061967
Fax. +972 (0)4 672 0961

Responsabile: Ms. Lioba Radke
St. Elizabeth Shrine
Even Sapir (near Ain Karem, Jerusalem)
Monastery of St. John the Baptist in the Desert
P.O.B. 31032
9131001 Jerusalem
Tel. +972 0(2) 627 5833;
Tel. +972 (0)50 9061968

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