Knowledge and dialogue. The Open House Jerusalem project

Conoscenza e dialogo. Il progetto "Open House Jerusalem"

Discovering the architectural treasures, being able to admire up close the most fascinating buildings, churches and houses in the Holy City is possible thanks to Open House Jerusalem. A project of the municipality of Jerusalem, which promotes guided tours of significant buildings and monuments and to which, for the past 10 years, the Custody of the Holy Land has also adhered.

Head of Interreligious Dialogue
"We are at the Convent of St. Francis at the Cenacle on Mount Zion, which is usually closed to the public, especially during these Covid years when not even groups came.
We have thrown the door of the Convent wide open. Already about a hundred people have arrived, all Israelis, very curious to know a little bit about this place, a little bit about the Franciscans, about Christianity..."

Former tour guide – Jerusalem
"The open doors of Jerusalem...but the door here is always closed! And today is an opportunity to be here! A formidable experience.
I think it's very important to see everything, to meet people who love Israel, Jerusalem. Like me, I love Jerusalem and I was born here. And Jerusalem is very complicated but I love everyone: there are Arabs, Jews, Ethiopians.... Jerusalem is wonderful. The whole world is here: you see I came today without knowing that I would find someone from Budapest, from Italy!"

Architect – Jerusalem
"I am an architect so I love buildings, churches.
I'm always interested to churches that's why when I heard that they were opening this one, for the first time, I rushed over. I didn't know it was this one exactly... I used to walk by and it was closed. A unique opportunity to check this out."

There are two days on the calendar to discover these little gems: Friday afternoon for a visit to the Cenacolino, and Saturday morning, guided by the friars, to the Custody's main convent, Saint Saviour.

"I live in Jerusalem and have passed through here many times but I was never inside.
I've always seen it from the outside! I was very curious: I love churches, ancient buildings. I was so happy to see this place was going to be open...
It's beautiful! I'm amazed with this chapel because it's so modern! I didn't expect that. Everything is beautiful."

Head of Interreligious Dialogue
"We will have 2 groups. We have limited the number to 30 participants for each group and they will visit the most mysterious, curious places of the Convent: the church, the refectory, the cellars, which have been recently discovered, the room of the mother pearl and, weather permitting, the roof."

The visit to the Franciscan places is not only an opportunity to know new places but also a chance to make an experience almost unknown to most of those present.

Head of Interreligious Dialogue
"We will tell a little bit about who the Franciscans are, the role of the Custody of the Holy Land. Often, the questions will range over the world of Christianity, traditions, feasts, what we believe in, how long we have been here, what is the role of Christians today, the number...
They become two days of great opportunity for mutual discovery, knowledge and dialogue."


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