Pilgrimages in the Holy Land

The Custody of the Holy Land encourages pilgrimages linked to the Holy Places, of which the Franciscan friars have been the guardians for over eight centuries, according to the wishes and the mandate of the Universal Church. The Commissaries of the Holy Land on behalf of the Custody and at its service, promote spiritual journeys to those Holy Places which St Francis of Assisi, founder of the Order of Friars Minor, visited in 1219 and to which the Franciscans have accompanied pilgrims from all over the world for centuries.

The suggested pilgrimages promoted and proposed by the Commissaries of the Holy Land include both  itineraries of eight days to the Holy Places and pilgrimages inspired by Biblical routes which include visits in Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Turkey. The pilgrims who choose a pilgrimage promoted by the Commissaries at the service of the Custody of the Holy Land stay in the Casae Novae, Franciscan accommodation facilities situated near some of the main Shrines.

Since 2015, the Pilgrimages Department of the Custody of the Holy Land in Rome has been under the management of the Fondazione Terra Santa. The Rome office continues and will continue to work, following a long and consolidated tradition, as a centre of animating and promoting pilgrimages to the Holy Land and the Christian Orient, at the service and in close collaboration with the various Commissariats of the Holy Land scattered throughout the world.

Setting off for a pilgrimage in the Holy Land, through the Commissariats of the Custody, means contributing to the Franciscan mission in the Holy Places. All the work carried on for centuries by the friars of the Custody is made possible thanks to a network which contributes all over the world to supporting the Christian presence in the Holy Land and to the maintenance of the Holy Places.

This website IS NOT A TRAVEL AGENCY and we do not organize pilgrimages: please contact the  Commissaries of the Holy Land  nearest to you to plan your trip.

Contact the Commissariats of the Holy Land

The Commissariats of the Holy Land, scattered all over the world, organize pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Find the Commissariat closest to you and contact him to book your departure for the Land of Jesus!


Pilgrims Office in Rome

Via Berni 6, a short distance from Saint John Lateran
tel: +39 06 77206308;

email: pellegrinaggicustodia@fratesole.com


Here you can consult some of the routes proposed by the Commissaries of the Holy Land, that can be useful in planning a pilgrimage. These itineraries not only cover the places that mark out the memory of the presence of Jesus in the Holy Land, but also offer the chance to get to know fragments of the long history of this country and to discover its thousand faces. Together with the references to the Gospel, practical information is given in this section on the ideal length of a stay, on the individual  stages of the journey and on the places of the programmes suggested by the various Commissariats.

In the footsteps of Jesus

itinerari orme di gesù
Ideal period of stay: 9 days/ 8 nights “And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, Are by no means leas among the rulers of Judah; Since from you shall come a ruler Who is to shepherd my people Israel”. (Matthew 2, 6)

Ideal period of stay: 9 days/8 nights

1st day: Bethlehem (Basilica of the Nativity – Milk Grotto – Shepherds’ Field)

And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah,
Are by no means leas among the rulers of Judah;
Since from you shall come a ruler
Who is to shepherd my people Israel”. (Matthew 2, 6)

This itinerary starts from the birthplace of Jesus, Bethlehem and the Basilica of the Nativity, built by Constantine in the 4th century. Here you can visit the grotto where, according to tradition, the Child Jesus was born. Going along the large central square, about 500 metres on the right of the Basilica, there is the Milk Grotto where, legend has it, some drops of milk fell as Mary was nursing the Child and the whole grotto turned white.
Another place that recalls the birth of Jesus is the Shepherds’ Field in the present-day Arab village of Beit Sahur which is where, according to Christian tradition, the angel announced the news of the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.

In Bethlehem you can stay at “Casa Nova”, the Franciscan house for pilgrims.

2nd day: Bethlehem (Herodium), Qumran and the Dead Sea

About 10 km from Bethlehem, on a cone-shaped hill, there stands the large fortress-residence of Herod the Great. The view from the top is splendid and the archaeological remains of Herod’s palace are impressive. As the second stop on the tour we suggest the archaeological site of Qumran, about 2 km from the north-western shore of the Dead Sea. It is famous because of the discovery of some ancient manuscripts from the 2nd century BC, known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. These manuscripts are apparently Biblical texts (such as that of the prophet Isaiah) and descriptive texts on the life of the community of Qumran dating back to 150 BC. Lastly, when you are here, it is difficult to resist the temptation of bathing in the very salty waters of the Dead Sea.

3rd day: Nazareth (Basilica of the Annunciation – Church of St. Joseph – the Spring of the Virgin Mary), Tabor

In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary.” (Luke 1, 26)

The capital of Galilee, Nazareth is where Joseph, Mary and Jesus lived on their return from Egypt. Here you can visit the Basilica of the Annunciation built in the 1960s and which houses the Grotto of the Annunciation, the place where the angel appeared to Mary. The Church of St. Joseph is about 200 metres from the Basilica and, by popular tradition, this church is identified as the home of the Holy Family. From here you can take the main street in Nazareth to visit the Spring of the Virgin Mary, the source where the women of the village would go to draw water and where Mary had the first apparition of the angel according to the Protoevangelium of James.
For the last stopping place on this third day, we recommend you go to Mount Tabor, the “mountain of Light” where the transfiguration of Jesus took place.

In Nazareth you can stay at the Casa Nova of the Franciscans. 

4th day: Lake Tiberias (Magdala – Tabgha – Capharnaum), Mount of Beatitudes

Leaving from Nazareth, you can easily visit Lake Tiberias or the “Sea of Galilee”, to mention just two of its many names. This fascinating lake, surrounded by barren hills, recalls many events in the Gospels. It was on its shores that Jesus started his public ministry and where he performed many of his miracles. There are many places and sanctuaries, all very near to one another, that you can visit on the lake: the Primacy of Peter, the archaeological site of Magdala, the birthplace of Mary Magdalene, the church of Tabgha which evokes the multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes. In Capharnaum you can admire the excavations that are bringing to the light the village where Jesus lived and preached and the church, the Memorial of St. Peter, built on the remains of Peter’s true house. From here you can go a little inland and climb the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus gave his sermon on the evangelical beatitudes.

Also in Tiberias you can stay at the Casa Nova of the Franciscans.

5th day: Jericho, Bethany, Jerusalem

And when he had said this, he cried out in a loud voice,
“Lazarus, come out!”
The dead man came out,
tied hand and foot with burial bands,
and his face was wrapped in a cloth .
So Jesus said to them, “Untie him and let him go!
(John 11, 43-44)

Your first stop on this fifth day can be Jericho, so going back to Jerusalem. Yerikho, in Hebrew Luna, is the oldest city known to man and is the lowest below sea level. Archaeological studies have allowed dating the first settlements to around 8000 BC. The Herodian Jericho is the one Jesus knew and it was here that he met Zacchaeus (Luke 19, 1-10). Here you can see the sycamore mentioned in the Gospel and the archaeological site with the ruins of ancient Jericho, Tel es-Sultan. From here, if you have time, you can visit a place that is really very special for its landscape and location: the Greek Orthodox monastery of the “Quarantine” linked to the memory of the forty days Jesus spent in the desert. We cannot omit suggesting a very important place for Christians: the place where Jesus was baptised on the River Jordan: the site was recently improved and is open to the public.
From here, returning to Jerusalem, you can stop at Bethany and the house of the friends of Jesus: Martha, Mary and Lazarus. This is where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
Back in Jerusalem, we suggest you take a fantastic walk over the roofs of the Old City. It is a very special angle that gives you an overall view of the quarters into which it is divided and of the spectacular churches, mosques and synagogues.

In Jerusalem you can stay at the Casa Nova of the franciscans.

6th day: Jerusalem (Via Dolorosa – Holy Sepulchre – Kotel and esplanade – Mount Zion)

You can devote the morning of the sixth day to the Old City of Jerusalem and in particular to the Holy Places. Starting from the Church of the Flagellation, where the Via Crucis starts, along the Via Dolorosa with its 14 stations. Some of the most notable ones are: the 3rd station in where Jesus fell for the first time, at the 4th he met Mary, at the 6th Veronica wiped his face and at the 7th station where Jesus fell for the second time, you can see the relic of the Column of the Flagellation.
The last station of the Via Crucis coincides with the Holy Sepulchre or the Basilica of the Resurrection. This is perhaps the holiest and dearest place for the whole of Christianity. In the time of Jesus, it was a place that was outside the walls of the city and probably used for burials. In the Basilica, there is Calvary (the Latin name for Golgotha), the Stone of Unction on which the body of Jesus was laid and anointed according to Jewish tradition, and the Empty Tomb.

Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here! Behold the place where they laid him.” Mark 16, 6 -7

The holy place par excellence, this time for the Jews, the Wailing Wall (Kotel Hama’aravi in Hebrew) is an original part of the western containment wall built by Herod in 20 BC to support the esplanade of the Second Temple, the temple mentioned in the Gospels. Here you will see many Jews, with their heads covered, praying facing the Wall, in two separate areas for men and women (in exactly the same way as in a synagogue).
You can visit the esplanade where today there are Muslim places of worship: the beautiful and grandiose Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque, to which unfortunately access is prohibited.
Going first through the Jewish Quarter and then the Armenian one, through the Date of Zion, you reach Mount Zion. Here, just outside the walls, there is the Cenacle, the place of the Last Supper of Jesus with the Apostles and the apparition of Jesus Risen. Near the Holy cenacle there is also the Dormition Abbey and the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, commemorating the place where Peter denied Jesus. 

7th day: Jerusalem (Mount of Olives – Gethsemane – Ain Karem)

Then he led them out as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven.” Luke 24, 50-51

You can devote the morning to visiting the Mount of Olives, whilst in the afternoon we recommend seeing the small village of Ain Karem.
The Mount of Olives is the site of many events narrated in the Gospels: the Ascension of Jesus to heaven (edicule of the Ascension), the teaching of the Lord’s Prayer to the Apostles (the Pater Noster grotto), Jesus’ tears about Jerusalem (Dominus Flevit), Gethsemane and the arrest of Jesus (Basilica of the Agony and the Olive Grove), the burial place of his mother (the Tomb of the Virgin Mary).
The view from the top of the mount over the city is, to say the least, extraordinary.
About 8 kms. From Jerusalem, clinging to a valley full of woods, stands Ain Karem where, Christian tradition has it, Elizabeth lived with her husband Zachariah and where John the Baptist was born. Here you can visit the church of the Visitation, which commemorates the Virgin Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth and the Church of St. John the Baptist.

8th day: Yad Vashem, Emmaus el-Qubeibeh

For visitors to Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, the museum dedicated to the Shoah and standing on the Hill of Remembrance, is a compulsory stopping place. Yad Vashem means “a monument and a name” and is an expression that comes from the words of the prophet Isaiah:
“I will give them, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name […] an eternal name, which shall not be cut off, will I give them” (Is 56, 5).
It is a moving visit which will definitely make an indelible impression in your memory.
In the afternoon, you can go to Emmaus el-Qubeibeh, west of Jerusalem and where Jesus appeared after the resurrection to the disciples Cleophas and Simeon. Here there is a sanctuary which commemorates this event and which has the remains of a Roman house (the house of Cleophas according to tradition), the Franciscan convent next to the church, a Roman road and the remains of a village of Crusader times, still recognizable with its houses and shops. 

9th day: Caesarea Maritima

You can devote the morning of the last day to the ancient Caesarea Maritima, considered one of the most important archaeological sites in Israel. It was Herod the Great who built the city in around 20 BC with its magnificent port and dedicated it to Caesar. In Roman times, it was an important city for trade and political, cultural and religious events. Peter baptized the Roman centurion Cornelius and his family. You can visit the Crusader citadel with the port, the Roman amphitheatre, the Herodian aqueduct and many remains of the Roman-Byzantine period.

In the Holy Land following the Bible

Duration: 8 days-7 nights “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing”. Genesis 12, 2-5

Duration: 8 days-7 nights

1st day: Hebron – Be’er Sheva

I will make of you a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
so that you will be a blessing”. Genesis 12, 2-5

We suggest you start this itinerary in one of the oldest cities of the Holy Land, Hebron. It is a holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims because it is the site of the Tomb of the Patriarchs and where some important historical events took place: Abraham planted his tent here after having been separated from Lot, he buried Sara in the cave in the plot of land bought from a Hittite and Abraham was buried in the same cave by his sons.
From here it is easy to reach Be’er Sheva, which is about 45 km to the south. This city, which at the time of the birth of the State of Israel, had only 2000 inhabitants, is today a major urban centre and a symbol of how the Israelis have succeeded in dominating the desert, turning it into a flourishing and productive place.
There are three main things to see in Be’er Sheva: the settlement of the Copper Stone Age (4000 BC) of Abu Matar, Bir es-Safadi another site where later settlements have been brought to the light and Tel es-Seba, or the city of the patriarchs, as mentioned in the Bible. 



2nd day: Sinai (Mount of Moses and St. Catherine’s Monastery)

The second day of this itinerary can be dedicated to Mount Sinai (Mount Horeb in the Bible), where Moses received the tables of the law. Standing at 2285 metres above sea level, Mount Sinai rises majestically in a lunar landscape, dominating all the other mountains that surround St. Catherine’s Monastery.
The view that accompanies you as you walk to the summit of the mountain is unforgettable and, despite all the tourists and pilgrims, will leave you with a sensation of peace and serenity.
St. Catherine’s Monastery is at the foot of the mountain, in the valley which, according to tradition, is where Moses met Jethro’s daughters, near the well which today is next to the Monastery. Inside the walls, there is the church of the Transfiguration which dates back to the 6th century and where you can admire one of the oldest mosaics in the world, created in around 565-570.



3rd day: Avdat, Shivta, Masada

Travelling up the Sinai peninsula, you can stop to visit the ancient Nabataean cities. The first one is Avdat, built in the middle of the desert in the 2nd century BC, as a stopping place for the caravans on their way towards the Mediterranean coast from Petra. Buried in the sand, the ruins have remained virtually intact. From here, you can visit the second Nabataean city, shown by the excavations to have been particularly important in the Byzantine period. The hypothesis given the most credit by scholars is that this city was a large agricultural settlement, with the cistern that channelled rainwater to irrigate the fields still existing.
The last stop on this third day is Masada, from the Hebrew “citadel-fortress”, a mountain standing 500 metres above the Dead Sea with the peak that Herod had flattened. The fame of Masada is linked to a particularly important episode in the history of ancient Israel: the Zealots put up great resistance to the long Roman siege but preferred to commit suicide rather than fall into the hands of the Romans. 



4th day: Ein Gedi, Qumran, Bethlehem

Do not be afraid; for behold,
I proclaim to you good news of great joy
that will be for all the people:
for today, in the city of David
a Saviour has been born for you who is Messiah
and Lord”. Luke 2, 10-12

Continuing northwards, about 18 km from Masada, you come to an oasis with luxuriant vegetation, wild animals and fabulous springs. Ein Gedi, “the kid’s spring” in Hebrew, stands on the west bank of the Dead Sea and is the Biblical place where David spared Saul in the cave according to the episode narrated by Samuel. The most important spring is not surprisingly called Ein David, a natural waterfall, but apart from the natural beauties there are also the remains of settlements such as Tel Goren which dates back to the 7th century BC and an ancient synagogue which still has its mosaic floor. In the area there is also a Kibbutz where it is possible to stay overnight and take advantage of the free beach for a visit to the Dead Sea.
From here, about 30 km to the north, you reach Qumran: the famous site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and which are now on display in the Israel Museum of Jerusalem. The site has remains which are evidence of the presence of a Hebrew sect (the Essenes), believed to have lived there from 150 BC to 68 AD when they were chased out by the Roman invaders.
Lastly, passing through Jerusalem, which is the shortest way, you can end your itinerary in the early afternoon in Bethlehem. We suggest you stay at least one night here to better enjoy the local culture and naturally to visit the most important attractions: the Basilica of the Nativity, St. Catherine’s Church, the Milk Grotto, the market (Suq) and the old city, Rachel’s Tomb, the Shepherds’ Field and Herodium.

In Bethlehem you can stay at the Franciscan house for pilgrims.



5th day: Jerusalem (Temple Mount – Western Wall - Via Dolorosa – Holy Sepulchre - Mount Zion)

Commonly known as the Esplanade, Temple Mount is the location of the mosques that make Jerusalem the third holy city for Muslims all over the world. Here you can admire the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque. The design of the esplanade dates back to the first Muslim conquest (1400 years ago) but the history of this place goes back much further in time. This was where the First Jewish Temple built by Solomon in around 1000 BC stood. The Western Wall, better known as the “wailing wall” to non-Jews, was the ancient wall supporting the Second Temple. Visitors can immediately see the difference between the large blocks of Herod’s time (20 BC) and the small bricks of the Byzantine and Muslim periods.
From here you can go back to the Muslim Quarter, where the first Station of the Cross is, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus when he carried the cross to Calvary. Every year, pilgrims carry a real wooden cross along the Via Dolorosa or Via Crucis, fulfilling a vow they made before coming to the Holy Land. The Franciscan friars lead a similar procession every Friday afternoon. This will take you, as already mentioned, to the most sacred place for Christians, the Holy Sepulchre. A witness in stone of the last hours of the life of Jesus, the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre contains in a single structure the place where he was crucified (Calvary), the place where his body was laid (the Stone of Unction) and the tomb where he was laid and from which he was resurrected.
Just outside the walls, south of the Old City, there is Mount Zion, where you can visit the Cenacle, the Church of the Dormition of Mary, David’s Tomb and the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu.

In Jerusalem you can stay at the Franciscan house for pilgrims.



6th day: Jerusalem (Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Yad Vashem)

You can devote the whole of the morning of the sixth day to the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane. Gebel al-Tur (the holy mountain) for the Arabs, it offers one of the most beautiful views of Jerusalem. On the way up, you cannot fail to notice the valley of Josaphat, where today there is the oldest Jewish cemetery. This is where, according to the prophecy in the Book of Zechariah, the dead will be resuscitated when the Messiah returns on the Day of Judgement. The Mount of Olives has many sanctuaries which recall important events in the life and death of Jesus: the edicule of the Ascension, the Church of Pater Noster, Dominus Flevit and Mary’s Tomb. If you have time and it is open, it is worth visiting the Orthodox church of Mary Magdalene, which stands immersed in the greenery with its typical onion-shaped domes.
On the other hand, the Church of All the Nations or the Basilica of the Agony is at the foot of the mount. It was designed by Antonio Barluzzi and financed by many different countries. The church is in the middle of the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was arrested. In the afternoon, you can go to the museum of Yad Vashem, on the Mount of Remembrance. 



7th day: Beit She’an, Tiberias and surrounding area (Magdala – Tabgha – Capharnaum)

He said to him the third time: Simon, son of John, do you love me?
Peter was distressed […] and he said to him:
Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep!” John 21, 15-17

Moving slightly northwards, the seventh day can start with a stop in Beit She’an, which includes a very fine national park with archaeological excavations of various eras. It is the Biblical city of the battle between the Philistines and the Israelites in which Saul, David’s friend, and his three sons lost their lives.
Tiberias is quite near to Beit She’an and it is worth stopping there to visit the fascinating church of St. Peter and enjoy some fish on the shores of the lake, which has so many memories of Jesus. From Tiberias, you can travel north along the same shore to reach Magdala, the birthplace of Mary Magdalene and brought to the light by the Franciscan excavations in 1971.
Continuing from here, you come to Tabgha, at the foot of the Mount of the Beatitudes. This is where Jesus performed the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, shown in the famous Byzantine mosaic that decorates the floor of the church. Not far from this church, the Primacy of Peter is the Franciscan sanctuary that commemorates the moment when Jesus conferred the primacy on Peter.
Last, but not least, is the “city of Jesus”: Capharnaum. According to the gospels, this is where Jesus lived during the period of preaching and activity in the Galilee. The Christian presence was apparently very strong there from as early as the 2nd century. Here the excavations unearthed the synagogue, from after Jesus’ time, and Peter’s house, the remains of which can be admired directly from the octagonal Church that was built on top of it.

In Tiberias, you can stay at the Franciscan house for pilgrims. 



8th day: Nazareth

The last stop on this itinerary is dedicated to Nazareth, the capital of Galilee and the third most important city for Christians after Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Nazareth is a welcoming town, with a lively and colourful atmosphere. This is where the annunciation took place and where Jesus spent his childhood. The grandiose Basilica of the Annunciation which commemorates these events is a modern building but stands on the spot of the first Byzantine basilica of the 5th century, the 11th century Crusader basilica and the Franciscan church of 1730. This was where, according to tradition, Mary’s house stood, next to which a Judeo-Christian synagogue was built in the 1st century of which a baptismal font remains and is now in the basilica.
A few yards north of the basilica there is the church of St. Joseph, where Joseph’s house is believed to have stood.

Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Luke 1, 30-34

The songs of my pilgrimage

Ideal duration: 10 days/9 nights "Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage." Psalm 119,54

The Word became flesh

Ideal length of stay: 7 days Blessed the man who finds refuge in you, in their hearts are pilgrim roads. [Psalm 84]

The visit by pilgrims to the Custody

According to the ancient travel chronicles, it was the direct responsibility of the Guardian of the Convent of Jerusalem, also called the Custos of the Holy Land, to go in person to Jaffa to welcome pilgrims. If he could not go himself, he would make sure that he sent a representative who was an expert and reliable, as the journey was dangerous and made complicated due to many circumstances. Once they arrived in Jerusalem, the pilgrims found hospitality behind the walls of the Franciscan convent and good advice on how to move in the Holy Land.

For centuries, the Franciscans were also the guides of the pilgrims in all the aspects of the pilgrimage: Biblical-spiritual, logistical, bureaucratic, political etc...

Many friars are still dedicated today to the service of welcoming and accompanying pilgrims: however, considering the growing number of faithful who come to the Holy Land every month, it is no longer possible to meet the needs of all as in the past.

Nevertheless, there is one habit that has remained unchanged: the meeting between the pilgrims and the Father Custos of the Holy Land or one of his representatives. The encounters with the Franciscans who live in the Holy Land contribute to a better understanding of the reality of the Holy Places and the situation of the Christians, the living stones” who live here.

La visita dei pellegrini alla Custodia

The tradition is to be welcomed by the friars of the Custody who speak the language of the pilgrims: this way communication is easier and a better service of hospitality and welcome can be offered.

Generally these meetings – with the Custos, his Vicar or with the Friars of the Custody, depending on commitments and availability – are held in Jerusalem at St Saviour’s Convent.

Meeting the Custody during a pilgrimage in the Holy Land not only helps understand the special bond that history has shaped between the Order of Friars Minor and the places of the Salvation, but also allows looking at the reality of this land and its people through the eyes of those who look after and love it.

The Custody looks forward to meeting you!

To organize your meeting, you can contact us at:

Christian Information Center

Jaffa Gate, Omar Ibn el Qattab Sq.

P.O.B. 14308

9114201 Jerusalem


email: cicinfo@cicts.org

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