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The congregation was founded in Mexico City in 1885, approved by Pope Pius X and joined the Third Order of St. Francis in 1942. The Charisma of these sisters has its heart in the “Paschal Mystery” of Jesus. Their spirituality is based on five pillars: living in full the Mystery of the Redemption; Mary Co-Redeemer; an active and contemplative life; service for suffering humanity; a simple and poor life. Their first objective is that of being present, in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, at the celebrations of the Mystery of the Redemption in close collaboration with the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land. As far as their missionary work is concerned, the sisters run a girls’ school which integrates the Christian and Muslim religions. They make the hosts for the Eucharistic celebrations of all the Custody’s sanctuaries. They are at the service of the pilgrims at the Cenacle. They work in the shop of religious objects and also visit families, the sick, the elderly and people living on their own.