The Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


The congregation of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was founded by Mother Catherine of St. Rose in Egypt and they are present in the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Cana, Jericho, Haifa, Nazareth, Tabgha and on the Mount of the Beatitudes. The charisma of these sisters which, like the Franciscan one, consists of bringing peace, equality, and freedom to all, comes about in the schools, hospitals, dispensaries, infirmaries, homes, orphanages and in the work with families.


Suore Francescane Missionarie del Cuore Immacolato di Maria

Responsabile Sr. Rosanna Nava C.I.M.

46 Rehov Jabotinsky
P.O.B. 4106
91040 Jerusalem

Tel. +972 02 5632365
+972 02 2743504
+972 02 2742792
Fax. 02 2743505 / 2742792


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