Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy


The congregation was founded by Mother Teresa Ewa Potocka in 1862 in Warsaw and is best known for its spiritual co-founder, Sister Helen Kowalska (Saint Faustina), who gave the order the Message of Divine Mercy. 

The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy have been in Jerusalem since 2001 and their presence was encouraged by the Custody of the Holy Land. 
In Jerusalem, the sisters of St. Faustina offer their precious service at the Franciscan Convent of the Flagellation, in the sacristy and in the kitchen. 
The congregation continues to exercise its spirituality in the Holy Land as well through prayer and the invocation to divine mercy. 
In addition, the sisters open the Eucharistic adoration to the faithful every day at the Chapel of the Flagellation and every year, on the first Sunday after Easter, the congregation celebrates the feast-day of mercy, which was shown so well by Jesus in Jerusalem, on Mount Calvary.


Sr. M. Lucja Ryz

Monastero delle suore di Nostra Signora della Misericordia
c/o Monastero della Flagellazione
Via dolorosa, 1
P.O.B. 19424
91193 Jerusalem

Tel. +972 026270459
Fax. +972 02 6264519

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