לקראת השבוע הגדול: שבעת ייסורי מרים | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

לקראת השבוע הגדול: שבעת ייסורי מרים

Before the Holy Week makes us tread in the footsteps of Christ, the liturgy of the Church invites us to place our trust in His and in our mother, the Very Holy Mary. On this solemnity of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, the Virgin Mary is our guide more than ever to teach us how to live the mysteries of the Cross and of the Resurrection. It was the Custodial Vicar, Friar Artemio Vítores who celebrated the Eucharist at the altar of Our Lady of Sorrows on Mount Calvary.

"Father, as Your Son was raised on the cross, His mother Mary stood here by Him, sharing His sufferings. May Your Church be united with Christ in His suffering and death and so come to share in His rising to new life."

The Custody of the Holy Land wishes you all a good Holy Week.