A Franciscan Archeologist between Science and Faith | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

A Franciscan Archeologist between Science and Faith

Michele Piccirillo, a Franciscan Archeologist Between Science and Providence is the title of a book by Friars Claudio Bottini and Massimo Luca of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem. It was published recently by Edizioni Terra Santa in Milan.

Archeology can be described as a second vocation for the Friars Minor of the Holy Land. As an example of this, disoveries on Mount Nevo, from which Moses saw the Holy Land, are now inextricably linked with Friar Piccirillo, and the site has become an almost essential stop on the pilgrim's route.

Much of this book is devoted to testimonies of friends and distinguished admirers of the archeologist, and to a biographical profile, following a preface by his friend and collbaorator, Father Antonio Canestri . The whole enables the reader to gain a clear picture of the life of this Franciscan friar, who died in 2008. In addition, a combined testomony by fellow archeologists is in the course of preparation.

A bibliography eanbles readers to trace the archgeological activities of Friar Michele, and it can be referenced through a list of topics which correspond with specific places of interest and research.

Studium Biblicum Franciscanum - Jerusalem
Franco Scaglia, a good friend of Piccirillo, has called the work "a labour of love", and with good reason because, you see, it was written by those who loved and admired Friar Michele; who knew him well, and who worked with him. It is a book which his friends and his collaborators wanted to write, and not only those at the Studium Bibliclicum Franciscanum here in Jerusalem, but many others, some of them distinguished in politics as well as in religion. And so, as you can easily imagine, this book has become a very special work through which Friar Michele Piccirillo will be remembered as a person, as a Franciscan friar, and as an arceheologist who had the good fortune to be able to move between science, which he had studied, and Providence, which led him happily to discover archeological remains, to welcome collegues who wanted to work with him, and to a series of wonderful events; events that they will all long remember.