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The Congregation belongs to the Paoline, founded by the Blessed Giacomo Alberione in Alba (Cuneo - Italy) in 1924. The specific charism and mission of the Congregation are the Eucharistic Adoration, the Eucharistic, priestly and liturgical apostolate.
Since 2009 we carry out this mission also in Jerusalem, in the Armenian Catholic Church at the 4th Station of the Via Crucis.
In this site, we invoke the gift of peace throughout the Middle East and in particular for the Holy City.
We lend our service to the Custody of the Holy Land working in the Archive and in the Sacristy of the Church of San Salvatore.
Sr. M. Cecylia Wilk
Via Dolorosa, 36
P.O.B. 19546
9119401 Jerusalem ISRAEL
Tel. +972 (02) 626.2393
Cell. +972 (0) 52 83 10 145