Carmelite Sisters of Our Lady of Carmel


The Institute was founded in Montevarchi on the 15th of October, 1854 by Blessed Maria Teresa Scrilli for the moral, Christian and civil education of young girls. On 29 January 1929, the Institute was erected "of diocesan right". On 27 February 1933, the religious family was declared "of pontifical right". They arrived in Ramleh in 2005. The spirituality of our Institute is profoundly bound to Carmelite spirituality. Listening, meditation, praying the Word of God, the Eucharist, bear witness to us of the love of Christ and attentiveness to the needs of others. Contemplation and action in our life are harmoniously integrated because it is "leaving God for God".



Responsabile: Sr. Barbara Maria Leja
Convento francescano
1 Bialik st.
P.O.B. 19
72100 Ramleh

Tel. +972 08 9127208

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