From the top of the mountain from which Moses looked at the Promised Land, without being able to enter, the view is extraordinary. Visiting the Memorial of Moses on Mount Nebo is like looking at roots that we knew but thought were invisible and buried. A holy place that stretches out into the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea, and that has a profound meaning for everyone. And right at the top of this mountain, pilgrims, visitors, and tourists come […]
Among the objectives of the Franciscans of the Holy Land there is the development of the educational level of the local community, carried out through the 15 schools of the Custody scattered over a very large territory. More than eleven thousand students attend them and 1100 teachers of all religions work in them. Br IBRAHIM FALTAS, ofm Director of Terra Sancta Schools "There is a beautiful coexistence and ecumenical dialogue in our schools. We live this coexistence practically every day." […]