Towards the Under 10 Chapter – 2 | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Towards the Under 10 Chapter – 2

The way towards the Chapter of Mats begins the 12 of March 2005, with the first meeting of the preparatory Commission, named by the general Minister. It is composed by br. Jose Juan Lopez (Spain), br. Papa Paulo Nanque (Guinea Bissau), br. Paolo Ko (Korea), br. Sinisa Balajic (Croatia), br. Anton Farrugia (Malta), br. Adelmo Francisco Gomes da Silva (Brasil), br. Ernesto Dezza (Italy), br. Markus Laibach (Germany) and br. Enrique Barbosa (Mexico). Always the general Definitor, br. Juan Ignacio Muro Aréchiga, participated too, in order to keep the contacts between the Commission and the Definitory general. The Commission studied the accomplishment of the Chapter in nine meetings, all (excepted the last one) in Rome, in the general Curia. We use indications that the general Minister gave to us, expressing the desire that the Chapter were the occasion to live with joy the “grace of the origins” and to adapt it nowadays in the life of Provincial fraternities and of the Order. As in the past experiences, in Santiago de Compostela and Canindé, the Commission organized several liturgical moments, nights of culture and music, looked for the lecturers and planned the work for groups in six languages (Italian, Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, German). The provincial Ministers of each Province have been contacted so that they let two delegates between the young friars participate to the event and a page in the site of the Order was opened, to give information to the delegates with useful news, and also to make involved those that cannot participate. With the purpose of involving all the young friars of the world, and not only those that will live the experience on Chapter, a Questionnaire has been sent in each Province, by which the friars have been invited to discuss about the reality of their life and mission. The results of questionnaires, available on line, show an image of the young reality of the Order and will be useful to stimulate the discussion in the Chapter too. The Custody of the Holy Land welcomes very kindly this event, in its remote preparation (diplomatic and logistic aid) and in the effective reception of so great number of friars in its houses.