From the Seminar of St. Saviour: thanks for the year coming to an end | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

From the Seminar of St. Saviour: thanks for the year coming to an end

The last day of the year is always an opportunity to take stock: to think back to what the past twelve months have given us, the objectives and goals we have reached, the projects we have put into practice and to make a critical analysis of everything that has not come about or that has not gone for the best and what is to be perfected and improved; but above all it is the best time to thank the Lord who in his infinite mercy has given us the joy of living another year of his grace.

At St. Saviour, the seminarians organized a celebration for the end of 2009 with the sisters of the community at the service of the convent taking part as well. Shortly before midnight a joyous prayer in the chapel of the seminar enabled all those present to praise God, ask forgiveness for their infidelities and thank him for the many benefits granted. Songs, psalms and a simple procession through the seminar, from the chapel to the Nativity scene, ending in the hall where the evening continued with a toast at midnight to see in the New Year in joyfulness and to exchange greetings.

The hall was decorated to create a welcoming and family atmosphere, with warm lights, candles and Christmas decorations. In one corner of the hall there was a large sitting room as in a family home with a huge table laden with drinks and desserts. Everybody gathered around this table to sample the typical specialities of the different countries the seminarians come from, making it an international evening, exalting this characteristic of our brotherhood, which was expressed in sharing the traditions of the different countries of origin, with songs, films, poems and games. There were also congenial moments when everybody joked and laughed with self-irony about various occasions during the year featuring the seminarians and the friars themselves, who were awarded symbolic Oscars for bizarre and ironic nominations.

These are occasions which definitely help everyone to get to know the brother and sister next to them better, simple moments when genuine fondness for one another becomes the flame that warms the souls. A year coming to an end also offers the opportunity to renew resolutions and motivations, full of hope for the new year that we have been given to live, richer in experiences, with new brothers who will walk with us along the path that divine Providence will open up before each one of us.

¡From the seminar of St. Saviour, best wishes for a 2010 rich in surprises and blessings.