The "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" Cross awarded to three Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" Cross awarded to three Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land

On 17th February 2009, the Custos of the Holy Land, in view of the International Conference “Paul read from the East” which was to be held in Damascus at the St. Paul Memorial (23rd-25th April 2009), brought to the attention of Pope Benedict XVI’s Secretariat of State the great merits of his brothers Pasquale Castellana, Ignacio Peña and Romualdo Fernández in the field of research, study and illustration of the Christian antiquities in Syria. In his letter, the Custos also mentioned the pastoral ministry and the work they had carried out for many years in Syria and other regions of the Custody of the Holy Land.

In reply to the recommendation of the Father Custos, the Holy Father conferred on the three brothers the important honour with diploma and Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross, which were received by the Secretariat of the Holy Land in the summer. At the end of October, the Custos arranged for the decorations to be awarded, together with a letter of congratulations in his name and in the name of the other brothers of the Custody.

Father Pasquale and Father Romualdo are still active and contribute generously to the life and activities of the Custody of the Holy Land. Father Ignacio, however, has been in the Custody’s infirmary for several years, mysteriously sharing in the sufferings of the Lord. His diploma and Cross were entrusted to Father Emilio Bárcena with instructions to send them on to his family.