Papal Audience: Now in Arabic Too | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Papal Audience: Now in Arabic Too


According to the news from the Holy Seat at the Vatican on October 9, 2012, starting on the morning of Wednesday October 10, 201, an Arabic Language briefing of the Papal instruction will be announced during the weekly Papal Audience in St. Peter’s Square. The Arabic teaching follows in the tradition of the briefing in other languages.

The Pope expressed his wish to proceed with this initiative during his last visit to Lebanon when he delivered his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation: “The church in the Middle east”. This initiative shows the papal interest in the Middle East and his support of the Christians in it. He reminded all of the need to prayer and the work for peace in the region.

The Papal audience every Wednesday of every week is an opportunity for all to participate whether they are individuals and/or groups. Pope Paul VI started this tradition as part of the papal instruction and Christian education. All the Popes who succeeded him continued with it. The audience has become a valuable opportunity to meet with his Holiness every Wednesday and listen to his teachings.

Since 1975, the year that was declared as the “Blessed Year”, the number of pilgrims to the Holy Seat at the Vatican has increased tremendously. This caused the audience to take of St. Peter’s Square as the permanent place for it as long as the weather conditions permit it. Otherwise, the teaching takes place in “Nervi” Hall which was dedicated for that purpose by Pope Paul VI.