The Light of Bethlehem in the Old City of Jerusalem | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The Light of Bethlehem in the Old City of Jerusalem

At the end of the first Sunday of Advent, some Franciscan friars together with young people of the JOC (“Jeunesse ouvrière” - young workers’ association) brought the flame of the Nativity back with them. Over three evenings, they then visited families in the Old City of Jerusalem, bringing them this flame and thus encouraging them to live the time of Advent to the full.

On those evenings, priority was given to families with children and adolescents, whereas in their visits for the feast of Saint Barbara on December 4, the friars gave preference to isolated elderly people.
Each encounter gave the opportunity for a time of prayer and then of sharing. During their meetings with the young people, the friars reminded them that they were especially invited and awaited for Sunday school during the time of Advent.
