Jubilee: The sources of their vocation renewed | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Jubilee: The sources of their vocation renewed

The great marathon of discoveries continues for the new Custos, Fr. Francesco Patton. After last week, the series of official entries into the holy places, and a foretaste of the colorful feast of St. Anthony at the parish dedicated to the saint in Jaffa, the Custos presided over Sunday mass in a more familial atmosphere. The Custos was not only with his family from the Franciscan brotherhood at Holy Savior’s Monastery in Jerusalem, but he was also with the extended family with composed of all of the friars, who were celebrating a jubilee of their religious or priestly life this year.

The friars came together for the community’s Sunday 8:30 a.m. massAll of the friars celebrating their jubilee were present, and they all prayed for each other.

Fr. Eugenio Alliata of the StudiumBiblicum, a friar celebrating his 50-year jubilee of religious life, said the homily by commenting on the texts of the day.

During the Eucharistic rite, the priests celebrating their jubilees, surrounded the Custos. To his left was Fr. Carlo Cecchitelli, who also was celebrating his 60 years of religious life, and to his right was Fr. ArtemioVitores, also celebrating his 50 years of Franciscan life.

After the mass, the monastery’s guardian invited the community and the congregation to come to the dining hall for a snack. The friars greeted each other. “We made our novitiate together in Alexandria and 25 years later we share so many memories. Moreover, we rarely get together since we all serve different areas in the province,” said Br. Martin Rafael.

“This jubilee is an opportunity to go back to the roots of our vocation. It is also the opportunity to be born again, to be renewed,” continued Br. Feras. “It was just yesterday,” exclaimed Br. Angelo Beda, “and I'm ready for the next 25 years. Between now and then, there will be another 25 years of priesthood to celebrate. You know what they say?” said a smiling Br. Quirico, who was celebrating 50 years of religious life, “the first 25 years are the trial run, and it’s the next 25 that are really beautiful. We can all give thanks for what the Lord has given us and for the good he has done through us ... Hopefully!” He added. “And during this Year of Mercy, we ask God for forgiveness for all of the times we have failed in our mission.”
Surrounded by Philippine religious such as him, Br. Angelo said, “I'm happy, I'm really happy.”

They looked all looked truly happy. To all thosepresent and absent, we send our best wishes.

Religious Life
25 years
Br. Johannes ZONG, February 13
Br. Juda PAW EŁ, August 15
Br. Feras HEJAZIN, August 25
Br. Angelo Beda ISON, August 25
Br. Jerome VOUR-DERY, August 25
Br. Martin Rafael ZAVALETA, August 25
Br. Giovanni LOCHE, September 8
50 years
Br.Br.nciszek WIA TER, August 16
Br. Louis BOHTE, September 8
Br. Eugenio ALLIATA, September 29
Br.Quirico CALELLA, October 4
Br.Artemio VÍTORES, October 4
60 years
Br. Carlo CECCHITELLI, October 4
Br. Joseph CONSTANTIN, October 4
70 years
Br. Rafael DORADO, December 8

Priestly ordination
25 years
Br. Luis Angel ANGUITA, June 29
Br. Danielemose SCHRODER, July 27
50 years
Br. Halim NOUJAIM, October 19
60 years
Br. Stanislao LOFFREDA, June 29