Incontri oltre i muri: a documentary to tell the story of the figures in search of peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land today | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Incontri oltre i muri: a documentary to tell the story of the figures in search of peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land today

29 Gennaio 2012

The double DVD, Tra i Popoli di Dio. Incontri oltre i Muri, an enquiry to show how people live today in search of peace in the Holy Land, will be presented on Thursday evening, 2nd February 2012 at 9.00 p.m., in the Immaculate Conception Hall of St. Saviour’s Convent during the 3rd International Conference of the Commissaries of the Holy Land.

The film, produced by the non-profit making association Ponte di Pace, in collaboration with the Piedmont Commissariat of the Holy Land, is the result of an effort lasting almost two years, which involved many people, both in Turin and Jerusalem. It was Dr. Chiara Tamagno, President of the Ponte di Pace Association, who had the idea of the project and in particular who selected the contents of the two DVDs, whilst Cesare Matta did all the camerawork, editing and directing.

The theme around which the documentary revolves is well summarized by the question: How do people live in the land of God today? which was answered, through first-hand accounts and stories of life that allow understanding the complexity and the fascination of a land unique in the world. For this reason, preference was given to the narrations that highlight what unites, namely the stories of those who, in Israel and Palestine, try to find new paths beyond ideological, political, ethnic and religious oppositions. In particular, the first DVD consists of a thematic documentary aimed at illustrating four fundamental areas of life in the Holy Land, namely the family, the home, the right to health and young people. These are subjects of contrast and opposition between Israelis and Palestinians, but with respect to which, at times, as revealed by this moving investigation through images, interviews and documented explanations, can also result in invaluable experiences of reciprocal comprehension and peace. The second DVD, on the other hand, entitled Conversando con..., is made up of about fifteen interviews with well known and authoritative figures by their insightful analyses and long experience at the service of the Holy Land and its peoples. The many significant figures include Amos Oz, Elias Chacour, Jeremy Milgrom, David Grossman, Brother Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Alicia Vacas Moro, Abdessalam Najjar, Jeff Halper, Meir Margalit, Yossi Goldman, Yeuda Shaul and many others.

This courageous and original project intends to tell the marvels, the dramas and the hopes of the Holy Land in their concreteness and from an internal perspective that starts off from the experience of those, Israelis and Palestinians, who have made a choice of commitment to dialogue, non-violence and cooperation, with the aim of opening up new perspectives and alternatives to the logics of division and conflict which, for decades, have lacerated this land and tragically compromise the life of its peoples. The voices and the stories of the protagonists become the way to get to know and savour the Holy Land in its essential reality, to penetrate the mystery and fascination of its fate to approach the problems, injustices, expectations and desires of those who, in such a different way, live there.

Dr. Chiara Tamagno will be present at the evening of presentation of the double DVD on 2nd February together with Dr. Meir Margalit, founder of ICAHD - Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and a Jerusalem City Councillor, thanks to whose collaboration the documentary could be made.

By Caterina Foppa Pedretti