Holy Hour in Gethsemani: Information for broadcasters | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Holy Hour in Gethsemani: Information for broadcasters

The Holy Hour at the Basilica of the Agony (Gethsemani) will begin at 20.30 hours (Jerusalem time). TV stations that wish to broadcast it live may receive the feed from the following parameters:

Satellite: W2A EutelSat ( 10.00 Degrees East )

Sat TXP & CH: W2A F5 Lease Ch G2 4.50 mhz

Carrier Up: 17:00 GMT

Carrier Down: 19:00 GMT

U/L Freq: 14,233.0800

U/L Polarity: Y

D/L Freq: 12,733.0800

D/L Polarity: X

S . R : 3255

FEC : 3/4

Channels who wish to download the video for deferred broadcast, please contact director.fmc@custodia.org for FTP details.