Chapter of Mats Under ten – 8 | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Chapter of Mats Under ten – 8

Thursday 5th of July. The friars lived all the day the experience of a Lectio Divina (“Praying Meditation of the Word of God”) on Mount Tabor. It was guided by His Eminence Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, who with profoundness and simplicity led through the gospel of the Transfiguration of Jesus (Lk 9, 28-36).

Like the disciples, we shouldn’t content us with an esthetic contemplation of glory but try to follow Christ who gives us force to change our life and history: “Don’t stop to contemplate the vision, rather discover their implications” said Card. Martini.

Jesus Christ appears tranfigurated to show the disciples an anticipation of the definitive form of the Kingdom of God, in his “width” and “length”, in his extension to all men for all time, when God will be everything in all, without eliminating the diversity of each one. Having an ample vision of life and history helps to consider secondary what it is not important and to put all realities in the correct perspective, that is to say, in the perspective of the “total Kingdom of God”.

Jesus appears next to Moses and Elias in order to express the continuity of his message with that given to Israel, the Torah, “written Word of God to be practiced”, and with the prophet of the “surprises” of God, whose firepower always enters our life in surprising ways. From Moses and the Torah arises the invitation “to put order in the own life”, letting the Word of God become norm for daily existence, and at the same time (Elias) the exhortation not to fear the surprising manifestations of God in history and personal life.

Finally we all, like Peter, are invited to pass from the “great fear” to a listening attitude, not to be scared “to enter with vigor in the time of God” by intensive and passionate prayer. After a long time of silence and meditation in and around the sanctuary the brothers were invited for lunch prepared by the community “Mondo X”, whose founder, br. Eligio Gelmini ofm, was present.

In the afternoon visits in language groups followed, guided by br. Frédéric Manns. At 5.30 pm the brothers celebrated the Eucharist presided by General Definitor br. Ambrosius Nguyen Van Si. On foot the community went down Mount Tabor and returned to Nazaret. With this experience they concluded their stay in Galilea.