The Belgian Monarchy’s Feast celebrated at Saint Savior’s | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The Belgian Monarchy’s Feast celebrated at Saint Savior’s

This Sunday, the Franciscan community of Saint Savior’s in Jerusalem celebrated Mass with the new Consul General of Belgium, his Excellency Mr. Gerard Cockx, who was accompanied by his wife and a few fellow citizens.

Friar Stéphane Milovitch presided over the Mass together with the Custodial Vicar, Friar Artemio Vitores. According to the liturgical calendar, Mass was celebrated in honor of Saint Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church. This date was chosen by Belgium in 1866 to celebrate the monarchy.

While meditating on the example of Saint Albert, Father Bouwen of the community of the Missionary Fathers of Africa (White Fathers) invited the assembly to reflect on what the exercise of power could be: a way of being inspired by the patrimonial treasure in order to influence our thinking and our activity in the face of new realities. Albert the Great was able to reread Aristotle and Plato because he let himself be confronted by the Jewish and Muslim thinkers of his time. Thus he could draw something new from the old, as the Gospel of the feast says (cf. Mat 13,47-52).

At the end of the celebration, the assembly met in the hall of Saint Savior’s for refreshments before going to contemplate the view of the Old City that can be seen from the convent’s roofs.
