The academic year inaugurated in prayer | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The academic year inaugurated in prayer

According to a now well-established tradition, the professors and students of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (SBF) and of the Studium Theologicum Salesianum in Jerusalem met in the church of the Convent of St. Saviour for a votive mass to the Holy Spirit to begin the academic year in prayer. Before a large assembly, the celebration was presided by the Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Monsignor Twal.

During the homily, the Patriarch complimented the two institutions on the work they have done and the passion for the Holy Land that they convey to the students attending their courses. He then encouraged the pupils: “Today, more than ever, we feel the urgent need for an appropriate education to resist the challenges of our modern world. In present-day society, characterized by relativism, it becomes even more important to be open to the “wisdom” that comes from the Gospel.” Quoting Cardinal Newman, who was recently beatified in England, he reminded the students that there cannot be any separation between what we believe and how we live. “Faith is meant to bear fruit in the transformation of our world through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the lives and activity of believers” (Meditations on Christian Doctrine). “This is what I wish you all, teachers and students,” concluded the Patriarch before giving his blessing.

At the end of the prayer, the students met over refreshments before beginning their lessons in the next few days.
