4 luglio 2022 | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

4 July - Day of retreat and prayer for the start of the Chapter


The Custodial Chapter opened on Monday 4 July at St Saviour’s Convent. Its inspiring theme are the words from the Gospel according to Mark, “Jesus said, ‘Do not be afraid, just have faith.’” (Mark 5,36).

The opening session started with the song of Veni Creator then the President of the Chapter, fra Julio Cesar BUNADER, introduced the agenda, in which he explained that the day was reserved for a spiritual retreat and listening to the Lord. After that, the letter from the Minister-General was read out.
In the morning session, there was the first meditation led by fra Amedeo Ricco, while in the afternoon session there was the second meditation led by fra Agustin Pelayo.
However, after the  meditations, at 7.00 p.m., the Capitulars gathered in the Church for the adoration of the Eucharist and the prayer of Vespers.

The first day ended with a fraternal moment in the courtyard of St Helen’s, after a good dinner.