Bethany, home of friendship, welcome and hospitality. They celebrate Lazarus, Mary and Martha, the friends of Jesus who have often hosted him here. Br. MICHAEL SARQUAH, ofm Superior Shrine of Bethany "This place is also called "the house of friendship", because Mary, Martha and Lazarus were friends of Jesus. Every time he went from Jerusalem to Galilee or from Galilee to Jerusalem he stopped here by this family, so this is a very important place for Jesus." Even in this […]
It is a time of changes in the oldest school in Cyprus, the Terra Sancta School in Nicosia: some parts have been renovated and other old rooms have been readapted to obtain new classrooms for the pupils. The new spaces were blessed by the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Francesco Patton, during a short liturgy on the morning of Wednesday 8 December. Assembled in the courtyard, the pupils started with the traditional parade and the school anthem and then […]