Nazareth: blessed the new stained-glass window of Mary Help of Christians, Queen of Slovenia

Nazareth: benedetta la nuova vetrata di Maria Ausiliatrice, regina di Slovenia

On March 1, members of the Commissariat of the Holy Land of Slovenia participated in the Angelus at the Grotto of the Annunciation in Nazareth.

A moment of prayer was followed by the blessing of the stained glass window, depicting Mary Help of Christians, Queen of Slovenia. The pilgrims accompanying the Commissariat delegation then participated in Holy Mass.

A celebration presided by Bishop Stanislav Zore, Archbishop of Ljubljana and concelebrated by Brother Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land and Fr. Robert Bahcic, Rector of the Slovenian Marian Shrine in Brezje. Love for the Virgin Mary and the Land of Jesus have always been alive in the hearts of the Slovenian people.

HE Mgr STANISLAV ZORE, Archbishop of Ljubljana

I think there is no Christian who has never said, Holy Mother of God, Help us! Today we blessed a stained-glass window dedicated to Our Lady Help of Slovenes. This will become a pilgrimage destination not only for Slovenians, but also for everyone else. I hope that these colors, this Heavenly Jerusalem, the figure of Our Lady can awaken in all of us a longing, a deep and very strong desire to enter with all our love into the Heavenly Jerusalem.

The same image can be found in the Slovenian National Shrine as Fr. Robert tells us. The image of Mary Help of Christians can be found on every continent and even on the international space station, thanks to Slovenian astronaut Jerry Linenger.

Fr ROBERT BAHCIC, Rector of the National Shrine - Brezje - Slovenia

We are very happy to have brought this “motherly” Madonna. Everyone when they look at her picture displayed in our shrine says: how motherly she is! Many people come to us and all to give thanks, to pray or to ask for a grace. They kneel as Mary knelt here when the Angel appeared to her. We too are called to kneel before God's word and say, “let it be done according to your will.”

Brother Francesco Patton emphasized how “the Commissaries have a fundamental role in supporting, promoting and serving the Holy Land, being like ambassadors in their countries.” Not only that,” the Custos of the Holy Land added, “they are also promoters of the Good Friday Collect and raise missionary vocations for the Custody.”

Br FRANCESCO PATTON, ofm, Custos of the Holy Land

We are here to serve the Holy Places and the local community, but we also need to see others who share this missionary vocation and this service and so the role of the commissioners for us is very vital.”

The image of Mary Help of Christians, Queen of Slovenia was placed under the portico on the right side in front of the Basilica of the 'Annunciation, along with all the other images of Our Lady from around the world.

Br FRANCESCO PATTON, ofm, Custos of the Holy Land

“We need these images to show us how the Virgin Mary is close to all of us. And I would say that all the countries of the world feel her as their Mother. And also through all these images we understand that Mary is close to the people of all languages, of all cultures, of all nations because she gave us her son Jesus who is the Savior of all humanity.”

(Christian Media Center)

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