On Monday 27 June at 6.00 p.m., the Custos of the Holy Land, fr. Francesco Patton presided the Eucharistic celebration in St Saviour’s church in Jerusalem with the participation of the Missionary Sisters of Evangelization, and a group of priests, friars and faithful. It was the occasion to express thanks for the presence and the collaboration of now almost 40Missionary Sisters of Evangelization (formerly the Missionary Sisters of the Catechism) with the Custody of the Holy Land.
This Eucharistic celebration of thanksgiving was celebration on the change of name of the institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Catechism to the Missionary Sisters of Evangelization. As the Superior General, Mother Bernardina Perez stressed at the end of the Mass, the sisters felt called to read the signs of the times and what the world needs today, especially the young. Therefore at their General Chapter which was held recently, the Missionary Sisters of the Catechism decided to change the name of their congregation to adapt it to the world of today. After the approval of the General Chapter and the fidelity to the spirituality of their founder, Father Vincenzo Idà, they decided to choose the name of Missionary Sisters of Evangelization. The Holy See then confirmed this choice with a decree.
Amongst their various activities in the world, the Missionary Sisters of Evangelization work together with the Franciscan friars in the Holy Land, running several Case Nove.
In his homily, the Custos emphasized the aspect of the vocation and mission of the religious in the Church today. Recalling that the call of Jesus is an invitation to follow him radically and this is a path of liberation and maturation of the faith and that Jesus himself extends to us, inviting us to follow him sharing his particularly demanding path.
The Custos ended his homily saying: I conclude by thanking you, in the name of the Custody of the Holy Land ad its friars, because over these years our congregations have been able to walk together in the faith and in the steps of Our Lord Jesus. We feel that we share with you the vocation and the mission of being at the service of the Holy Places, the pilgrims who visit them, and the local and universal Church.
Before the final blessing, Mother Bernardina, in the name of the congregation, thanked all the Father Custodes who have made it possible for the sisters to live in the Holy Land, for the spiritual care that the friars offer the Sisters, and for the possibility of working with the friars in welcoming and looking after the pilgrims.
Fr. Jonny Jallouf ofm