Lenten peregrinations 2024


In the document attached we are collecting the homilies given by fr. Paolo Messina, OFM Cap., on the occasion of the Lenten Peregrinations 2024 of the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land.

The Peregrinations are the “titular” feasts of the Franciscan shrines, linked to their dedication. The Lenten Peregrinations touch the places in Jerusalem linked to the Passion of Jesus and prepare for the mystery of Christ in Holy Week.

With this publication, we believe we are providing a useful tool for prayer and personal reflection for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the mysteries of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

“In this Lenten journey we will reflect together on silence, manifested in different facets. Silence can be the most powerful language. It can express joy and serenity. There is silence that becomes the contemplation of beauty. But there is also a silence that hides deep pain and acute suffering: there is the silence experienced by those who are unjustly condemned and are unable to make their voices heard; the silence of those who are alone, which becomes almost an impenetrable wall to others and difficult to break down.” (fr. Paolo Messina)

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