Jubilee, the family as a pilgrimage

On 28 December, the Custos of the Holy Land entered Nazareth and presided over the Vigil Mass of the Holy Family

The Catholic faithful of the Holy Land have gathered in Nazareth for an intense weekend of prayer which culminates with the opening at diocesan level of the Jubilee, on Sunday 29 December, as all over the world.

Pilgrims of hope

The flavour of the feast-day was already announced on the afternoon of Saturday 28, with the entrance of the Custos of the Holy Land, Fra Francesco Patton, and the Solemn Mass of the eve of the feast of the Holy Family, in the place where the “Virgin Mary opened her heart to the announcement of the angel and her womb to the son of God so that he could be made flesh by the Holy Spirit.”

The Custos made his entry through the main door of the basilica, on the lower floor, and made a short pilgrimage, stopping in prayer in the Grotto of the Annunciation, to then go up into the upper basilica for the celebration of the Eucharist.

The family as a pilgrimage

In his homily, the Custos spoke of family life as a “real pilgrimage which involves all its members. In this pilgrimage we are led to discover that our earthly family is a school to learn what it means to be part of the family of the children of God.”

This is also the meaning of the Jubilee; learning to follow Jesus to learn how to become children of God. “It is precisely here in Nazareth, that Jesus teaches us that the true Jubilee is accomplished in the today of the meeting with Him and listening to his Word.”

The anchor of hope

During the offertory, two baskets containing prayer intentions from all over the world were placed at the foot of the altar. This marked the conclusion of the initiative launched with the Christmas concert held in the Basilica of Nazareth and performed by the musical group “Kuli Laka” on 23 December. 

During the event, the Guardian of the Franciscan community, Fra Wojciech Bołoz, lit a candle in the Grotto of the Annunciation, for the intentions of all those who sent their prayers. Thousands of intentions arrived this week and were offered during the Mass at the beginning of the feast of the Holy Family.

Marinella Bandini


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