Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus


A Pontifical congregation since 1927, the Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus started their service in the Franciscan convent of St. Saviour in 1981. 
The official invitation requested the Franciscan Sisters for the convent of St. Saviour, for them to take responsibility for the Infirmary of the Custody, the boys’ Orphanage and the kitchen of the convent. 

The Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus have houses in Malta and Gozo, Sicily, Bari, Rome (with the Generalate), Ferrara, London, Corfu, Jerusalem, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Australia, Brazil, and the Philippines.
Today there are 5 Franciscan Sisters in Jerusalem and they are responsible for the kitchen. They work in the Infirmary and look after the vestments at the Basilica of the Resurrection.

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