Day of Wonder: a smile in times of war

Giornata della Meraviglia: un sorriso in tempo di guerra

The "Day of Wonder" will be held in Italy on 13 October, in various squares, Sunday schools, libraries and museums.  It is a day dedicated to offering surprise and joy to all children, in particular those who, due to conflicts, are deprived of their right to play and to be carefree. This event will also take place in many countries affected by wars or which are in situations of crisis, bringing moments of happiness even into the most difficult conditions.

“It is called ‘Day of Wonder’ because wonder, even when it comes from the simplest things, such as a soap bubble, can put a smile on the face of every child, even in the darkest of moments,” says Lucia D’Anna, a teacher at the “Magnificat Institute” in Jerusalem, the music school of the Custody of the Holy Land, This year, the Day of Wonder has been brought forward to 10 October at the Terra Santa High School in Jerusalem, for logistic reasons linked to the local situation.


Day of Wonder: the meaning

“The Day of Wonder,” Lucia D’Anna explains, “is an occasion when children try to be happy, while reflecting on those who, at the moment, cannot be happy because of war.” 

Each year, this day includes an educational part on the suffering of children who live in situations of conflict. The theme chosen for this year is “no play”: many children cannot play during the war, either because they have lost their toys and games or because of the fear that accompanies them.

The music that gives wonder


Lucia and some of her students have prepared musical activities for the kindergarten children, using music as a therapeutic instrument. “Through music, we want to help children overcome their fears. At this  age, they often do not know how to express what they feel, but music and the arts are beauty, and seeing a beautiful thing made especially for them, even at a difficult time, helps them to feel better and happier,” Lucia tells us.

The situation in Jerusalem

Even though Jerusalem, in particular the Old City, is not directly involved in the conflicts, the children who live there are greatly affected by them from the psychological point of view.  Frightened, stressed and often worried about the economic difficulties of their families, many children do not have a “normal” everyday life. “The Day of Wonder for them is nevertheless an opportunity to give a smile to their lives, which is never completely tranquil. We have organized a show to entertain them and give them a moment of joy,” Lucia adds.

Giving hope in wartime


Lucia tells us how, during the conflict, organizing these initiatives has been, for her, a form of therapy: “During the war, I felt the need to do good, to see and contribute something positive in the midst of so much destruction and death. I wanted to give a positive signal to the local community, and music is perhaps one of the best ways in these situations to restore hope and beauty.”

Lucia Borgato


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