Ceremony of laying the foundation stone of a building to serve pilgrims in the Shepherds' Field

Cerimonia di posa della prima pietra di un edificio al servizio dei pellegrini nel Campo dei Pastori

In a place where peace is constantly pulsating, where the angel announced the birth of the Lord to the simple and the poor: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men", Father Dobromir Jasztal, Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land, blessed on 22 July the start of work on a project to serve pilgrims and locals in the area of the Shepherds' Field monastery in the city of Beit Sahour.

Br Dobromir Jasztal, ofm
Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land
"This project includes in its first phase the construction of the gatehouse of the service area of the first reception of pilgrims. Other phases include the reclamation and the construction of structures that allow the reception of young people, of the Bethlehem Scouts, also of Beit Sahour, in general also of young people from all over the world who want to have a spiritual experience in this place."

Br Marcelo Cichinelli, ofm
Guardian of St Saviour's Convent – Jerusalem
"This project has a very great purpose: to receive pilgrims in this area where there will be new chapels, national chapels, from different countries that have slowly, despite the pandemic, offered to help with the construction, and therefore to welcome pilgrims."

The Franciscan friars prayed in the place designated for the first building and then laid the first stone. This was a concrete continuation of the mission that has moved the Order of Friars Minor in the Holy Land for over eight hundred years: to guard the living stones of the local Church, to make them witnesses of the Risen Lord, to protect the places where faith began and to offer Christian pilgrims a welcome and worthy places to welcome them.

Br Marcelo Cichinelli, ofm
Guardian of St Saviour's Convent – Jerusalem
"It takes on another important face: that of helping the community of Beit Sahour."

Brother Marcelo stressed that the valuable contribution of the Holy Land Foundation and US benefactors will ensure not only the reception of pilgrims, but also a concrete prospect of employment for the local community, after the hard months of crisis caused by the pandemic.

Br Marcelo Cichinelli, ofm
Guardian of St Saviour's Convent – Jerusalem
"It is hope when you, the pilgrims, return here to the Holy Land to relive this shrine."

The Franciscan Order, through its service project in Beit Sahour, attracts the generous gift of the Christian community around the world, to strengthen the relationship of belonging to the land of Christ and to quench the living stones, the local Christians, with the water of hope and perseverance.


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