Cana of Galilee: "Let Jesus be present in the family"


After Epiphany and Baptism, which are the two feasts of Jesus' manifestation to the world, the Church of the Holy Land gathers in Cana of Galilee to commemorate the first miracle performed by Jesus at the beginning of his public life: at a wedding banquet, he turned water into wine.

Latin priest of Cana
"To this church, on this feast day when we remember the wedding feast of Cana, come the faithful from all over the region of Galilee, from Nazareth and neighboring villages, especially married couples, to renew their marriage vows."

"We have been married for a year and a half, we came to receive God's blessing, which is always an abundant blessing. We came with faith, because if God does not build the house, the builders strive in vain."

"I came here with my husband to renew our marriage vows. We ask the Virgin Mary to help us raise our children following the example of the Holy Family.

"I have been married for 25 years, I pray that God will bless us on this day, that He will remain the companion of our path, and that the Virgin Mary will bless our home and our children. What God has joined together, let not man separate."

Br. Ibrahim Faltas, vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land, presided over the Mass, with the participation of the parish priest, a group of priests, and friars of the Custody.

Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land
"This is the message of today's feast: the presence of Christ in the family is necessary. We know that in married life there are often problems; we need Jesus to be present in the family. Wine, in the Bible, symbolizes joy and happiness; if wine is lacking, happiness diminishes and only with Jesus' intervention can it return."

In his homily, Br. Faltas invited us to put all our problems in the hands of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, who knows our problems, as she knew at Cana that there was a lack of wine. And to do the will of Jesus as Our Lady indicated to the servants, "Whatever He tells you, do it."

At the end of the celebration, the bride and groom received a certificate of renewal of marriage vows and a blessing.

Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land
"The first miracle that Jesus proposes in his public life is the transformation of water into wine, and the last miracle is to transform the wine into his blood. It is as if Jesus is saying, 'I have come to change your life from evil to good, from earthly life to eternal life.' This is the message of Cana today."


Source: CMC 

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