Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

For pilgrimages, you can contact the Commissariats of the Holy Land according to where you are from, or the Pilgrimage Office of the Custody of the Holy Land. 

You can stay in the facilities of the Custody of the Holy Land, the "Casa Nova", or other guest houses in Jerusalem or outside Jerusalem

For bookings, you can contact the Christian Information Center.

To organize a meeting with a Franciscan, you have to send an email to the address containing the specific request.

You can use the electronic form of the Christian Information Center.

Permission can be obtained by checking availability in person, contacting the Franciscans of the Sepulchre during the opening hours of the sacristy.

To receive news and press releases in advance, send an email to For permission for video and photographic documentation, please contact the Christian Information Center at this link.

The liturgical books are available at the bottom of the page of the following link.

The Decoration of Pope Leo XIII formalizes a special bond between pilgrims and the Holy Land.
For information, and requests, please send an email to

You can contact the gift shops of the Custody at for purchases and shipment. 

You can send requests for prayers to the Custody by contacting us on social media or by sending an email to All the prayers will be presented to the Lord during the torch-lit procession on Saturdays at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth.

The appointment can be followed in streaming at 8.30 p.m. local time (GMT +3) every Saturday on the site of the Christian Media Center.
You can give economic support to the Holy Land in several ways: to find out more, visit the section support us.

Visit the section Franciscan formation for detailed information on the different steps of initial formation and then contact us.

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