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La memoria della Passione al Getsemani in attesa del triduo pasquale
13 Abr 2022

The memory of the Passion in Gethsemane awaiting the Paschal triduum  

Holy Wednesday in Jerusalem started early in the morning with the solemn mass at the Shrine of the Agony at Gethsemane, standing on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. The friars of the Custody, who had arrived in procession from St Saviour’s convent, first of all gathered for mass in the church of Nations, next to the garden of Gethsemane and then, again in a procession, they went to the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre for the traditional veneration […]
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Cultura e educação

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44° Corso di Aggiornamento Biblico-Teologico
25 Abr 2019

44o Curso de Atualização Bíblico-Teologic

De 23 a 26 de abril de 2019, no Convento de S. Salvador, em Jerusalém, acontece o Curso de Atualização Bíblico-Teológica (CABT), organizado pelo Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. "Profetismo e Apocalíptica" é o tema escolhido para ser aprofundado para os cerca de cento e trinta participantes. O curso, idealizado pelo falecido Padre Frei Bellarmino Bagatti, era destinado inicialmente à formação permanente de religiosos/as, mas alargou-se a ponto de alcançar Professores de Religião e leigos peritos em Bíblia, sobretudo desde que o […]
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A Custódia na Terra Santa

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Aleppo (Siria): l'intervista a fr. Bahjat ad un mese dal terremoto
21 Fev 2023

Ajude-nos a apoiar os Franciscanos na Síria - DOE AGORA

As it is known, a terrible earthquake hit Turkey and Syria in the early hours of Tuesday 6 February, sowing destruction and death. In Syria, it is the north-western regions  in particular that have been hit, where we are also present: the communities of the Valley of the Orontes, Aleppo and Lattakia. Thanks to God, the friars are all well, but there is enormous damage both in the villages of Knaye and Yakoubie, and in Aleppo and Lattakia.  Our brothers […]
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