Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10,11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
Just one year ago, Pope Francis told to your compatriots living in Rome: “Dear brothers and sisters, five hundred years have passed since the Christian message first arrived in the Philippines. You received the joy of the Gospel: the good news that God so loved us that he gave his Son for us. And this joy is evident in your people. We see it in your eyes, on your faces, in your songs and in your prayers. In the joy with which you bring your faith to other lands” (St. Peter’s Basilica, 14/03/2021).
It is very meaningful for me to celebrate the solemnity of the Annunciation with you here in Nazareth and at the same time to remember the 500 years of evangelization of your country.
I imagine your great country as a person, the virgin Mary who receives the Angel’s announcement here in the Grotto of Nazareth; she welcomes the gift that the Lord gives her; she replies with joy: “Here I am, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto me according to your word”; and then she rushes and shares joyfully this gift with her cousin Elizabeth and to all of humanity.
Each and every one of you has received the grace of being like the Virgin Mary, the servant of the Lord who before God knows how to say: “Here I am”. Jesus continues to enter people’s homes through you, as He entered Elizabeth’s house through Mary 2000 years ago.
She is an able housewife, a woman who knows how to work and how to lead a house and a family. She knows how to sing and dance but she knows also what is suffering and being patient. She is the mother of joy, but she is also the mother of sorrow. She is the ideal woman and does not have the face or the characteristics of an actress, of a singer, or of a beauty queen. The face of the Virgin Mary is the face of every simple and humble woman, can be the face of each and every one of you, women, here present today.
The prophet Isaiah tells us that God wants to be the “God-with-us”. God is not far from our being and from our life. In the passage taken from the “Letter to the Hebrews” it is Christ himself who says: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, / but a body you prepared for me; / in holocausts and sin offerings you took no delight. / Then I said, «As is written of me in the scroll, / behold, I come to do your will, O God.»“
When there is this willingness on our part, which is the willingness of Christ and the Virgin Mary, then God can make himself present also through our being and our life. This is how God became incarnate to save us and this is how God continues to make present his work of salvation.
“O Mary, virgin of the “Here I am” and of the “Yes”, teach us to say our “Here I am” to the Lord every day and our “Yes” to God who invites us to welcome him and to welcome each other.
O Mary, servant of the Lord, help us to live each day with willingness and love the service to which the Lord calls us, because when we are doing humble services we are reigning with you.
O Mary, who here in Nazareth welcomed the Son of God to become man, God with us and our Saviour, help us to take everywhere Jesus who is alive in us, and His word that saves us.