Is 52, 7-10; Sal 121 (122); Jn 20,19-23
Su Excelencia señor embajador de la República Argentina, queridas hermanas, queridos hermanos,
¡El Señor os conceda Paz!
La peregrinación de fray Mamerto en Tierra Santa nos ayuda a entender la calidad de su persona, de su vida y de su vocación. Las palabras que el Ministro general, Fray Bernardino de Portogruaro, escribió sobre él nos ayudan a entender la calidad de la persona, de la vida y de la vocación de Fray Mamerto: un auténtico fraile menor y un hombre de Dios, un predicador extraordinariamente eficaz, un hombre precioso para el bien de su patria, Argentina.
La misma capacidad de predicar y persuadir se había manifestado ya en su Patria, cuando en el año 1853 había predicado por el bien de su amada Argentina para ayudar a su gente a comprender el valor de la unidad nacional representada por una Constitución capaz de unir a todos los ciudadanos en un ideal de convivencia y de paz que sabe superar los intereses individuales, regionales y de partido. La predicación civil de Fray Mamerto es un ejemplo límpido de lo que el papa Francisco – en la encíclica “Fratelli tutti” – llama caridad política, virtud sin la cual es difícil ponerse al servicio de un pueblo y construir un Estado.
Fray Mamerto es – en esto – un ejemplo viviente del hecho que ser auténticamente devotos de Dios no significa desinteresarse del bien de la sociedad. Dar al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios significa también comprometerse totalmente por el bien de la sociedad en el que se vive y de la propia Patria, para que se creen las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo del bien común y de la paz, así como el reconocimiento y la tutela de la dignidad de la persona humana. Por la falta de este tipo de compromiso doble y conjunto sucede que el Estado se transforma en un ídolo al que se sacrifica incluso la dignidad de la persona y la religión se transforma en opresión – como sucede también en las actuales derivas teocráticas – o en opio de los pueblos.
Hoy Fray Mamerto es proclamado beato y propuesto como modelo de vida cristiana y de intercesor para toda la Iglesia. Él que ha vivido aquí por un año y medio puede morar en la Jerusalén Celeste para toda la eternidad.
Contemplémosle como modelo de fraile menor, de testigo del evangelio y de auténtico compromiso civil. Y pidamos su intercesión, para toda la Iglesia y para su Patria, Argentina. Pero también para esta Tierra Santa y para todos sus habitantes, para esta Ciudad Santa en la que él ha dejado el corazón, y también para nosotros frailes de la Custodia. Así sea.
Is 52, 7-10; Sal 121 (122); Gv 20,19-23
Eccellenza Signor Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Argentina, carissime sorelle, carissimi fratelli,
Il Signore vi dia Pace!
Il pellegrinaggio di Fra Mamerto in Terra Santa ci aiuta a capire la qualità della sua persona, della sua vita e della sua vocazione. Le parole che di lui scrisse l’allora Ministro generale del nostro Ordine, Fr. Bernardino da Portogruaro, ci aiutano a capire la qualità della persona, della vita e della vocazione di Fra Mamerto: un autentico frate minore e uomo di Dio, un predicatore straordinariamente efficace, un uomo prezioso per il bene della sua patria, l’Argentina.
Qui in Terra Santa questa capacità è sperimentata direttamente dai pellegrini di lingua spagnola, giunti a migliaia a Gerusalemme, la sera del venerdì santo. Fra Mamerto predica a braccia aperte davanti alla porta del Santo Sepolcro. Le lacrime gli scendono dagli occhi e rigano le guance al far memoria della passione e morte del Signore Gesù. Allo stesso modo la commozione e le lacrime esondano dal cuore e dagli occhi dei pellegrini che riempiono il piazzale.
La stessa capacità di predicare e persuadere si era manifestata anche in Patria, quando nel 1853 aveva predicato per il bene della sua amata Argentina per aiutare la sua stessa gente a comprendere il valore dell’unità nazionale rappresentata da una Costituzione in grado di unire tutti i cittadini in un ideale di convivenza e di pace che sa superare gli interessi individuali, regionali e di partito. La predicazione civile di Fra Mamerto è un esempio limpido di quella che papa Francesco – nell’enciclica “Fratelli tutti” – chiama la carità politica, virtù senza la quale è difficile mettersi al servizio di un popolo e costruire uno Stato.
Fra Mamerto è – in questo – un esempio vivente del fatto che l’essere autenticamente devoti a Dio non significa affatto disinteressarsi del bene della società. Dare a Cesare Dio ciò che è di Cesare e dare a Dio ciò che è di Dio significa anche impegnarsi a fondo per il bene della società in cui si vive e della propria stessa Patria, perché si creino le condizioni necessarie allo sviluppo del bene comune e della pace, così come al riconoscimento e alla tutela della dignità di ogni persona umana. In mancanza di questo tipo di impegno duplice e congiunto accade che lo Stato diventa un idolo al quale sacrificare anche la dignità della persona e la religione si trasforma in oppressione – come accade anche nelle attuali derive teocratiche – oppure in oppio dei popoli.
Oggi Fra Mamerto viene proclamato beato e proposto come modello di vita cristiana e di intercessore a tutta la Chiesa. Lui che qui ha vissuto per circa un anno e mezzo può dimorare nella Celeste Gerusalemme per tutta l’eternità.
Guardiamo a lui come modello di frate minore, di testimone del vangelo ma anche di autentico impegno civile. E chiediamo la sua intercessione, per tutta la Chiesa e per la sua Patria, l’Argentina. Ma anche per questa Terra Santa e per tutti i suoi abitanti, per questa Città Santa nella quale egli ha lasciato il cuore, e anche per noi frati della Custodia.
Così sia.
Is 52, 7-10; Ps 121 (122); Jn 20: 19-23
Your Excellency Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina, brothers and sisters.
May the Lord give you Peace!
1. Today, on the day on which the Argentine friar minor Mamerto Esquiù is raised to the honours of the altar in his homeland, we friars of the Custody of the Holy Land wish to remember him with joy and solemnity, here at St. Saviour’s monastery in Jerusalem, where he arrived, as pilgrim, on the morning of the 27th June, 1876. Fr. Mamerto arrived in the Holy Land and in Jerusalem with the sentiments expressed by the first reading and the responsorial psalm that we have just sung. When he sees the domes and the walls of Jerusalem he stops the coach in which he is traveling. He goes down and kisses the earth and lets himself be surprised by the astonishment of the mystery of mercy that God has manifested here for us sinners.
Fr. Mamerto’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land helps us to understand the quality of his person, of his life and of his vocation. Also the words written about him by the then Minister General of our Order, Fr.Bernardino da Portogruaro, help us to understand the quality of the person, life and vocation of this Friar Mamerto: an authentic Friar Minor and man of God, a preacher extraordinarily effective, a dedicated man for the sake of his homeland, Argentina.
2. We discover first of all Fr. Mamerto as an authentic Friar Minor and a man of God. We discover him precisely in the reasons that bring him to the Holy Land and also in the way in which he remained here for about a year and a half. As the Minister General himself reminds the Custos of the time, Fr. Mamerto had been proposed as Bishop of Buenos Aires, and he came to the Holy Land precisely to escape this election. He obviously did not run away for lack of a sense of responsibility or obedience, he ran away because he knew what his vocation was: and it was that of being a friar minor. He feels that - in a time when becoming a bishop was something very prestigious - his vocation was that of the simple life of the Friar Minor. The demonstration of this authentic and mature assumption of the Franciscan vocation is precisely in his way of living the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The biographer and witnesses tell us that during his pilgrimage he visited the Holy Places with amazement, prayed, lived with a mystical intensity and prayed inside the Holy Sepulchre all night. He was able to celebrate the Eucharist in Bethlehem in front of the manger, contemplating the Sea of Galilee perceiving the presence of Jesus and feeling himself placed in a living way within the stories of the Gospels, but at the same time we are told that Fr. Mamerto, in the Holy Places he visited, made himself available to do the humblest of tasks. In Nazareth, in the sanctuary of Saint Joseph, a place that recalls the humility of the Son of God and of the Holy Family, Fr. Mamerto notes: “None of the three times that I went to celebrate in that Sanctuary, humble and silent as in its meaning, I stopped sweeping the floor; I did it with unspeakable consolation of my soul and feeling something of the mystery of iniquity and ingratitude which is my life”.
3. Secondly, Fr. Mamerto’s life and pilgrimage make him known to us as an extraordinarily effective preacher. “As the Father has sent me, so I too send you”, Jesus reminds us in the Gospel, and the preaching of the Church is the extension of the preaching of the Apostles, even when it is a simple friar who has come here as a pilgrim. The Minister General had already recognized his missionary vocation and his aptitude for preaching, already well known in Argentina.
Here in the Holy Land this capacity is experienced directly by the Spanish-speaking pilgrims, who came to Jerusalem by the thousands on the evening of Good Friday. Fr. Mamerto preached with open arms in front of the door of the Holy Sepulchre. Tears fell from his eyes and pour down his cheeks as he remembered the Passion and death of the Lord Jesus. In the same way, emotion and tears flowed from the hearts and eyes of the pilgrims who filled the square.
The same ability to preach and persuade his listeners was also manifested in his homeland. In fact, in 1853 he had preached for the good of his beloved Argentina to help his own people to understand the value of national unity represented by a Constitution capable of uniting all citizens in an ideal of coexistence and peace that knows how to overcome individual, regional and party interests. The civil preaching of Fr. Mamerto is a clear example of what Pope Francis - in the Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” - calls political charity, a virtue without which it is difficult to put oneself at the service of a people and build a State.
4. With this we have already entered the third aspect that characterizes the life and person of Fr. Mamerto; he was a valuable man for his beloved country, Argentina. If his desire was to be able to stay forever in the Holy Land, the Minister General, Fr. Bernardino, had instead sensed that this man, this friar minor, would be a necessary resource for the life and development of his own country. Therefore, to his request to remain in the Holy Land, the Minister General replied with far-sightedness: “I will not allow it, so as not to deprive America of a man who can do a lot of good there”.
Fr. Mamerto is - in this - a living example of the fact that being authentically devoted to God does not at all mean disinterested in the good of society. “To render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s also means to commit oneself fully for the good of the society in which one lives and of one’s own homeland, so that the necessary conditions are created for the development of the common good and peace, as well as the recognition and protection of the dignity of every human person. In the absence of this type of double and joint commitment, the State becomes an idol to which even the dignity of the person is sacrificed and religion is transformed into oppression - as also happens in current theocratic drifts - or into the opium of the peoples.
5. In a page written on the same day of his Episcopal Consecration in the solitude of his cell in the friary of Buenos Aires, we read all the love and nostalgia of Fr. Mamerto for Jerusalem: “For a year and a half I breathed your air and I contemplated your days and your nights; your burning sun and your melancholy moon and always and everywhere I saw nothing but the city of God, oppressed by human ingratitude; I have never heard accents of anger, but moans of the most beautiful and desolate of creatures. Jerusalem, I would have liked to end my days in the sad and solemn shade of your ruins; but the Lord, your King did not want it and I had to return where I was honoured without any merit. I ask God only for the inestimable good that makes me share in your fate, which is the fate of all the saints: to be noble and desolate, as you are, O beloved Jerusalem!”.
Today Fr. Mamerto is proclaimed blessed and proposed as a model of Christian life and an intercessor for the whole Church. He who lived here for about a year and a half can dwell in the Heavenly Jerusalem for all eternity.
We look at him as a model of a friar minor, of a witness to the Gospel but also of authentic Civil commitment. We ask for his intercession, for the whole Church and for his homeland, Argentina. We ask it also for this Holy Land and for all its inhabitants, for this Holy City in which he left his heart, and also for us friars of the Custody. Amen.