“Pro Terra Sancta” Collection 2021 | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

“Pro Terra Sancta” Collection 2021

The “Collection for the Holy Land”, also known as the “Collecta pro Locis Sanctis”, is the result of the Popes’ wishes for the bond between all the Christians in the world and the Holy Places to remain strong (read the history of the “Pro Terra Sancta” Collection).

The Collection, which is traditionally made on Good Friday, is the main source of funds for the maintenance of the life around the Holy Places.

The offerings collected by the parishes and the Bishops are sent by the Commissars of the Holy Land to the Custody of the Holy Land. This offerings are used for the maintenance of the Holy Places and the Christians of the Holy Land, the living stones of the Holy Land.

The Custody thanks to the collect of the offerings is able to sustain and continue the important mission and vocation it owns: to keep and custody the Holy Places, the stones of the memory and preserve the christian presence, the living stones of the Holy Land trough many solidarity activities

Participate in the Pro Terra Sancta Collection on Friday, April 2, 2021 in your parish, but if you can't make it to church, support the Custody of the Holy Land with a donation.

In this time of global suffering, the Holy Land has also been affected, with the lack of pilgrims to its shrines, with the lack of jobs to local Christians.

The Custody of the Holy Land is present with 300 friars in: Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Cyprus and Rhodes.

It has always been close to the populations affected by wars, epidemics and pandemics.

The pro Terra Santa Collection is the main source of sustenance for the life that takes place around the Holy Places.

While waiting for the return of the pilgrims, the Custody asks for your help. Next Good Friday, make your offering.

The Good Friday Collection. Donate in your parish.

The appeal of the Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches

    May this year collection pro Terra Sancta be an opportunity for everyone not to ignore the difficult situation of our brothers and sisters of the Holy Places but rather to lighten their burdens. 

Mgr. Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches

The message of the Custos of the Holy Land

"In the past year, even in the Holy Land we have been severely tested by the pandemic that has paralyzed the whole world. Despite this situation, we have continued to take care of the Holy Places of our redemption and the small Christian community that still exists and endures here. At the Holy Sepulchre, in Gethsemane, in Bethlehem, in Nazareth and in the other shrines we have intensified our prayers for the whole world.

In the parishes we continue to take care of Arabic, Hebrew and Greek speaking Christians, migrant workers and refugees. Through our Terra Sancta schools, around 10 thousand children, teenagers and young people are able to benefit from a good education. The charitable commitment has intensified to meet the essential needs of a very tested local population – not only by the pandemic – but also by war, and by the absence of social and health assistance.

All this has a cost that is largely covered by the Good Friday Collection every year. This year, more than ever, we need the generosity of Christians around the world, the generosity of each and every one of you. Please help us again this year, according to your possibilities, according to the generosity of your heart, so that we can continue to help those in need.

Help us to help others! May the Lord bless and reward each and every one of you. Thank you!".                       Br. Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land