Hospitality and education: the Terra Sancta College in Amman | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Hospitality and education: the Terra Sancta College in Amman

The school that the Custody of the Holy Land founded in Jordan in 1948, an example of co-existence and unity

It was 1948: some Franciscan friars were transferred from Jerusalem to Amman where they founded a school that welcomed children from the Jordanian capital. This is how the Terra Sancta College was created.

Director - Terra Sancta College - Amman
"We welcome everyone: 50% are Christians and 50% are Muslims, but for us they are the Jordanians, the children of our society in Amman and this expresses the spirit of unity and of good citizenship. We make no distinction of society categories."

We not only welcome the Jordanian citizens: thanks to the contribution of the Italian Episcopal Conference and Caritas, we also attempt to respond to the emergency of refugees.

Director - Terra Sancta College - Amman
"In recent years, we have also welcomed Iraqis and Syrians. They do not always find it easy to follow our plans, but our teachers try to help them and give them special attention. "

For the school year 2016- 2017, the Institute welcomes 1320 students, from nursery to secondary schools, which have a dual program: the humanistic and the scientific, according to international programs.
In addition to the standard classes, the students participate in many extracurricular activities which also involve the families: theater, music, scouts and sport.

Director - Terra Sancta College - Amman
"Today, the school plays an important role as an educational institution. The school reflects what Jesus said in the Gospel: to be salt of the earth and light of the world