Declaration of the Catholic Ordinaries on the Ceasefire in Gaza

Un giorno di digiuno e di preghiera per la pace e la riconciliazione

The Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land welcome the announcement of the ceasefire in Gaza.

“We sincerely hope that this ceasefire marks the beginning of a new path towards reconciliation, justice and sustainable peace. May this be the first step on a path that promotes healing and unity among all the people of the Holy Land,” they write in a declaration (full text attached).

At the beginning of the Jubilee Year dedicated to hope that does not disappoint, “we read in this event a sign that reminds us of God’s faithfulness”.

Finally, “we call on political leaders and the international community to develop a clear and just political vision for the post-war period. (...) We urge all parties to implement the immediate steps and negotiate the future steps of the agreement in good faith.”


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