Pilgrimage to the Jubilee Sites in the Holy Land

To live the experience of the Jubilee in the Holy Land, the pilgrimage to three jubilee sites is proposed: Nazareth (Basilica of the Annunciation), Bethlehem (Basilica of the Nativity) and Jerusalem (Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre-Anastasis). In addition, there is also the place of the Baptism of Jesus in Jordan.

During the year, local Christians and Christians from all over the world are invited to be pilgrims in these places, as communities, families and individually.

In Nazareth, Christ became flesh in the womb of Mary and Mary  teaches us that we have to believe that nothing is impossible for God and to open up to the fecundity of the Holy Spirit, so that God can operate in our lives and in our stories and transform it into a story of salvation.

In Bethlehem, hope has the face of a Child and reminds us that God does not save with weapons and armies but with the unarmed strength of a child who corporally lives all the fullness of divinity, and it is Jesus, i.e. God Himself who saves us, by sharing our lives.

In Jerusalem, on Calvary, we discover the hope that is born from feeling we are loved gratuitously and infinitely, because it is revealed to us that the Son of God gives himself for us. Lastly, in the empty tomb, we learn the deepest content of our hope, which is the promise of the Risen One to take us with him in the glory of the Father.

The place of the Baptism of Jesus, in Jordan, is a site which by its very nature recalls the invitation to conversion made by John the Baptist to prepare the way for meeting Jesus, to accept as the Christ and as the Lord of our life.

La Domenica delle Palme a Gerusalemme. Il Patriarca: “Gridiamo con forza che il nostro riferimento è Gesù Cristo”
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