After Epiphany and Baptism, which are the two feasts of Jesus' manifestation to the world, the Church of the Holy Land gathers in Cana of Galilee to commemorate the first miracle performed by Jesus at the beginning of his public life: at a wedding banquet, he turned water into wine. Br HAITHAM HANO, ofm Latin priest of Cana "To this church, on this feast day when we remember the wedding feast of Cana, come the faithful from all over the […]
On Friday, 25 Marchand on the occasion of the Feast of the Annunciation, the opera “Francis and the Sultan” was performed at the UNESCO building in Beirut. Inspired by the meeting between the saint of Assisi and the Sultan Malek al Kamilin Egypt in 1219, the performance was staged last week and had an unprecedented successful reception by the public, with an audience of over 1,500 people. The Annunciation –as Father QuiricoCalellaofm, who conceived and planned the opera underlined, brings […]
On Friday 15 December, the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land begin the Christmas Novena. In St Saviour’s church in Jerusalem, a short meditation on the topic of humility is offered every evening at 7 p.m. during the celebrations of the Vespers. Humility and fraternity “The common thread running through the meditations is taken from an expression of St Francis which is in the Letter to the Entire Order: ‘Brothers, look at the humility of God.’ This […]