The new calendar of the celebrations in the Holy Places 2022/2023 has been published

Pubblicato il nuovo calendario 2022/2023 delle celebrazioni nei Luoghi Santi
24 Nov 2022

The liturgical calendar of the Custody of the Holy Land for 2022/2023 at the service of the fraternities of the Franciscan body, but also of everyone who wants to take part in the celebrations proper to the Franciscans and to the Holy Land, has been published again this year.

Using the calendar is a way to be able to follow the liturgical life of the Custody of the Holy Land for everyone who loves it and wants to pray together with the Franciscans, following the peregrinations which markthe memory and devotion in the places touched by the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The calendar follows the liturgical year and starts with the first Sunday of Advent, which this year starts on Saturday 26 November with the solemn entrance of the Custos of the Holy Land in Bethlehem.

The Liturgical Calendar is published in Latin.

You can download a copy of the calendar by clicking HERE.


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