Patriarchs and Heads of Churches urge communities to adhere by Coronvirus precautions

16 Mar 2020

A Statement of the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem concerning the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 14, 2020

Our planet earth, at this difficult and challenging time, suffers from the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected so many people and reaped thousands of lives. To face this health and life-threatening pandemic, it is essential for our people and communities to adhere by the provisions and instructions of the civil authorities within the counties we live.

At the same time, we, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, call upon Almighty God to look on our situation and be gracious to our suffering world. We are all called to live this time continuing to trust in our heavenly Father who takes care of all His creatures. It is therefore good that we intensify personal prayer, fasting and alms-giving and to walk in the light of God’s love.

The Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem

+ Greek Orthodox Patriarchate
+ Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Patriarchate
+ Apostolic Administrator, Latin Patriarchate
+ Custody of the Holy Land
+ Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate, Jerusalem
+ Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate
+ Ethiopian Orthodox Patriarchate
+ Greek-Melkite-Catholic Patriarchate
+ Maronite Patriarchal Exarchate
+ Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East
+ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land + Syrian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate
+ Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate

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