Good Friday Collection 2021 Thanksgiving - Br. Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land


Thank you:
• Thank you on behalf of the Christians of our parishes in the Holy Land,
• Thank you on behalf of the children and young people who attend our schools,
• Thank you on behalf of the refugees and migrants, who come to us for help,
• Thank you on behalf of the poor and needy of our communities,
• Thank you on behalf of the friars who live in the sanctuaries and take care of the Holy Places.
Sincere thanks to each and every one of you, who have given us your help through the Good Friday Collection, despite the fact that the year has been so difficult for you, for your families and your communities.
Thank you because your hearts have remained open, generous and supportive.
May the Lord bless and reward you, may He bless and watch over your families and loved ones.
Thank you from the Holy Land.

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